Our many years in the business has brought us into contact with
many fine technology businesses that provide hardware and software
products beyond our own. If you need value-priced high quality software
and/or hardware please check our catalog. We are please to offer
these items from our distributor, Tech Data. We also have access
to high quality, high reliability computer systems from Best Logic,
LLC. These systems are an excellent value.
We have developed an automated, IVR based application called
ASAAP ( Automated Substitute and Attendance Processor). If
you have a need for a 24-7 system for filling absent positions,
take a look at ASAAP. We also have developed and support and open source
e-commerce application called i5commerce.
We do plenty of web-based development for the iSeries platform.
We can develop web applications using native RPG CGI, Java Servlet applications,
PHP applications and, for users of the CIMS K-12 School Administration Software package from Pearson PLC, we
have the i5GUI HATS transformation applications that can quickly bring your applications to the web.